People from Hong Kong, staying in different areas in the UK, gathering in London in a Chinese restaurant during Mid-Autumn festival, brought a special feeling to me as we could speak our mother language in a country where we are all based now but not belonging to.
Magnetism theory is groups of atoms join together as their magnetic fields are rotating in the same direction. The big blue particle in the middle is me and people who are able to connect to my thinking or behavior are the blue particles around, however, the red against me could not get close even if they tried to connect or get in between the blue. Some of the additional layers, it is a recreation using digital software. It is a sense of movement through manual painting and digital to create
People from Hong Kong, staying in different areas in the UK, gathering in London in a Chinese restaurant during Mid-Autumn festival, brought a special feeling to me as we could speak our mother language in a country where we are all based now but not belonging to.